Monday, 11 March 2019

2º ESO Prueba Objetiva 5

Listening, Reading y Writing: 13 de marzo (miércoles)

2.5.1 Listening

Listen to the survey. You will hear these questions. Your teacher will pause the CD after each question. Write the answers as exactly as you can. (10)

1. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

2. What do you like doing in your free time? (3 answers)

3. How many hours a week do you spend with your friends when you aren’t at school?

4. What would you like to study?

5. Do you make new friends easily? (fácilmente)

_________________________________________________ shy. (tímido)

2. 5. 6+10 (10+10) Reading and Culture
What is the best title for the article? (2)

[4 options]

Read the text again. Complete the gaps with one or more words. (8).

2.5. 8 (10) Writing: compare three things.

Day 104

Diario   1st ESO A   Actos de Carnaval.  1st ESO B  Documental de National Geographic, de acuerdo con los intereses del alumnado . Weird but...