Friday, 21 February 2020

February 21, Friday

4th ESO

Preparamos las parejas para la prueba oral de certificación de nivel para la población escolar.

Después de realizar el brainstorming con los dos grupos, hacemos la siguiente síntesis:

El problema más repetido es el mal comportamiento de los compañeros y el efecto del uso compulsivo del móvil. El docente ha añadido el problema "I don't get enough sleep".

I get distracted easily.

I don't pay attention during the lessons.

I need help with [SUBJECT]

I can't stop using the mobile phone.

I find it difficult to concentrate.

Some of my classmates are too loud. They don't take turns to speak and are disrespectful.

I don't understand some things.

I have problems with the homework, because I don't remember what I did during the lesson.

We have many exams the same day.

I forget everything before the exam.

I don't have time to study because I have to [...].

I don't know why I have to study.

I don't have enough energy to study.

When I study I get bored.

I hate studying at home.

I don't get enough sleep.

Para practicar en clase he preparado la siguiente presentación:
Speaking practice: asking and giving advice.

Usaremos las expresiones del recuadro Functional language de la página 55.

Evaluamos CE 5.4.

1st Bachillerato

Comprobamos el ejercicio de pasiva SB 67.4 y presentamos la forma causativa de la pasiva.
SB 121. Tarea 4.
SB 67. Tarea 5, 6 y 7.

El alumnado que no ha hecho la prueba oral la realiza hoy.

Day 104

Diario   1st ESO A   Actos de Carnaval.  1st ESO B  Documental de National Geographic, de acuerdo con los intereses del alumnado . Weird but...