Friday, 5 February 2021

Things to say instead of "How are you?"

Otro fantástico vídeo de English with Lucy.


How are you doing?

            I am good.

            I'm doing well.

How have you been?

What's going on?
What's new (with you)?
What's up?
What are you up to?
How are things going?
How are you feeling?
How's it going?
How is everything?
How's things?
How's life? (very informal)
How's your day been/going?
Are you alright? (very casual)


Hey there!

Good / Nice / Great to see you.

How's everything going?


How do you do?
Are you well? (very posh)
How do you fare? (very posh)
How are things coming along?
How's everything coming together?
How's your health?


How are you doing today?

Day 104

Diario   1st ESO A   Actos de Carnaval.  1st ESO B  Documental de National Geographic, de acuerdo con los intereses del alumnado . Weird but...