Wednesday, 22 September 2021

September 22, Wednesday


 1st ESO B y C 

SB 7. Demonstrative pronouns. Pronunciación: this / these

SB 8. Vocabulary. At school. Subjects, Days of the Week.

Tareas 1, 2, 3 y 4.

Friday, I'm in Love - The Cure (3 min 29 sec)

Friday, I'm in Love - Janet Devlin (cover) (3 min 12 sec)

 4th ESO B 

Repasamos la forma del pasado simple y del presente perfecto usando uno de los recursos recomendados: Blue Bloc Notes

Past Simple

Present Perfect

Past Simple and Present Perfect

All I had I gave - Crowbar (Song)

How long have I given all I've got?
Here I stand
My days and nights now are solitude
I struggle on
I've paid my price

All I had I gave

So much still lingers inside my head
I've lost it all
No trace of tolerance I can find
An empty heart
I've paid my price

All I had I gave

Save all that you feel for me

All I Had I Gave - Crowbar (3 min)

Day 104

Diario   1st ESO A   Actos de Carnaval.  1st ESO B  Documental de National Geographic, de acuerdo con los intereses del alumnado . Weird but...