Friday, 5 November 2021

November 5, Friday


 1st ESO 

 Después de la salida, quiero FELICITAR a...

 1. Las personas que saben comportarse en público. 

    Y a los que siguen las instrucciones del profesorado.

    Gracias a ustedes el profesorado se motiva a hacer salidas.

 2. Las personas que se alimentan bien. 

    Porque tendrán mejor salud y mejor rendimiento académico.

 3. A las personas que han sido amables con los turistas. 

    Ya que además de demostrar simpatía, entienden que el turismo supone el 35% del PIB directo de Canarias.

    Porque, al comprender la realidad económica de nuestro entorno, tendrán más posibilidades de éxito económico y social. 

Realizamos un repaso de las preguntas en presente simple.

WB 19. Tareas 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5.

 4th ESO B 

Feedback prueba escrita unidad 1

Presentamos al alumnado el resultado de la primera prueba escrita. Presentamos las respuestas correctas y atendemos a sus dudas.

Finalizamos la clase con la audición comprensiva de la canción de 

Sara Keys, Remember that night? (3 min 51 sec)

Verbos en pasado simple en azul
Verbos en pasado continuo en rojo

The day after you said goodbye
All I did was lay in bed and cry
But after one month, I started to move on
And after two, I felt alright
Then three months in, you were off my mind

And month four and five, I was living my life
I was better and didn't have to try
Not to think of you, 'til you reached out
And said, "Remember that night?"

We went for a drive, 2:30 in the morning
I kissed you, it was pouring  (=raining very hard)
We held each other tight before the night was over
You looked over your shoulder
Oh, I was doing fine
You said, "Remember that night?
Remember that night?"
Oh, I was doing fine
You said, "Remember that night?
Remember that night?"

The day after you had reached out
I was broken for the second time around
I prayed on the third day that I would be okay
That I'd forget you were ever mine
Oh, I don't think you realize

How long I had to fight to be living my life
To get better and never have to try
Not to think of you until you reached out
And said, "Remember that night?"

We went for a drive, 2:30 in the morning
I kissed you, it was pouring
We held each other tight before the night was over
You looked over your shoulder
Oh, I was doing fine
You said, "Remember that night?
Remember that night?"
Oh, I was doing fine
You said, "Remember that night?
Remember that night?"

We went for a drive, 2:30 in the morning
I kissed you, it was pouring
We held each other tight before the night was over
You looked over your shoulder
Oh, I was doing fine
You said, "Remember that night?
Remember that night?"
Oh, I was doing fine
You said, "Remember that night?
Remember that night?"

Day 104

Diario   1st ESO A   Actos de Carnaval.  1st ESO B  Documental de National Geographic, de acuerdo con los intereses del alumnado . Weird but...