Wednesday, 8 June 2022

May 8, Wednesday

Pruebas objetivas

1st ESO y 4th ESO

🔴 El alumnado que no ha hecho la prueba escrita la hace hoy.


1st ESO B y C

Unit 9. Entertainment

SB 110. Tareas 4 (3 min 57 sec), 1, 2 y 3.

Student's choice between...

a) How this woman mastered jump rope (9 min 51 sec)

b) Inside the 40-year long Dungeons & Dragons game

(10 min 44 sec)

c) How This Girl Takes Indoor Skydiving to the Next Level (7 min 38 sec)

d) How This Guy Folds and Flies World Record Paper Planes (11 min 4 sec)

El alumnado de 1º ESO B y C eligen el vídeo "How This Girl Takes Indoor Skydiving to the Next Level".

4th ESO B

Focus on History: The Rise of Fascism

Dwight's Acceptance Speech (5 min 07 sec)

Season 2 Episode 17

Dwight Schrute

  He has won the Salesman of the Year Prize. He has to give a speech.

Michael Scott 

  His boss. He thinks he is a great speaker, but he is not.

Jim Halpert (not in the video)

  He told Dwight that he had a degree in Oratory. Then he gave Dwight a speech based on Mussolini's speeches. He also recommended Dwight to make wide hand gestures and bang the desk.

What do you think is going to happen?

El alumnado nos informa que su próximo examen de Historia trata sobre el fascismo. Por tanto, continuamos viendo la miniserie (dos episodios) de National Geographic "The Hitler Youth".

Day 104

Diario   1st ESO A   Actos de Carnaval.  1st ESO B  Documental de National Geographic, de acuerdo con los intereses del alumnado . Weird but...