Tuesday, 9 April 2024

9 April, Tuesday


1st ESO

Canciones con los verbos irregulares del grupo 1


The Game of Words (1-2)

[Verse 1]

I bet on love, but it cut me deep

I tried to save it, but the cost was steep

A hit to my heart, it left me hurt

I never knew that love could be so curt


But let me put it straight, I won't let it set me back

I'll shut the door on pain, I'm ready to attack

The game of words, it may have tripped me up

But I'll keep moving forward, won't let it interrupt

[Verse 2]

I set my sights on a dream so grand

But the obstacles came, it was out of my hands

They tried to shut me down, keep me in line

But I won't be silenced, my voice will shine.

Made with Suno.ai


1st ESO A

Vocabulary and Listening

SB 92. Presentación y tareas 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5.

1st ESO B

Plan Lector

Listening and speaking

SB 91. Tareas 13, 14, 15, 16 y (question prep) 17.

1st ESO C

Listening and speaking

SB 91. Tareas 13, 14, 15, 16 y (question prep) 17.

4th ESO D

Recordamos el infinitivo y el gerundio.

SB 66. Tareas 10 y 11.

SB 67. 

Tarea 12.

Bellen Woodward: The Crayon Activist (58 sec)

Upworthy voices: Tyler Gordon's painting skills are out of this world! (3 min 3 sec)

Listening. An interview.

Tarea 13 y 14.

Day 104

Diario   1st ESO A   Actos de Carnaval.  1st ESO B  Documental de National Geographic, de acuerdo con los intereses del alumnado . Weird but...