Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Day 47


 1st ESO A 

Exam feedback

Grammar, pg 34 

Present Simple and Present Continous

Stative verbs

Tarea 1 (-quiz)


Blue Bloc Notes: Present Simple and Continuous

 1st ESO C 

Exam feedback

Grammar, pg 34 

Present Simple and Present Continous

Stative verbs

Tarea 1 (entera)


Blue Bloc Notes: Present Simple and Continuous

 3rd ESO B 

A book description

pg. 35 Listening. Tasks 16 and 17.

Why should you read Don Quixote?

Why should you read "The Lord of the Flies"?

Why should you read "Beloved"?

Why should you read "Dune"?

pg 35 Speaking. Task 19

What's the title of the book?

Who is the author?

What kind of book is it?

Who are the main characters?

Where does it take place?

What do you think about it?



How to write a book review


TED Ed: Book recommendations

TED Ed: More books recommendations

Day 80

Pruebas objetivas  ATENCIÓN, CAMBIO EN LA FECHA  Prueba escrita unidad 3: lunes, 3 de febrero Diario  1st ESO A  Writing pg. 58 y 59 Tareas ...