Thursday, 16 January 2025

Day 74

Próxima prueba objetiva

Speaking: Asking and giving directions

1st ESO C   Mañana 


 1st ESO A 

Distinguir entre comparatives and superlatives

Pg 55. Tarea 12.


Blue Bloc Notes: comparative

Blue Bloc Notes: equality and inferiority

Blue Bloc Notes: superlative

Listening and Speaking

Asking and giving directions


Excuse me, how do I get to [León y Castillo Street]?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest [bus stop] is?

Excuse me, is there a [chemist's] nearby?


Pg.55 Tareas 13 y 14.


Blue Bloc Notes: direcciones.

 1st ESO B 

Distinguir entre comparatives and superlatives

pg, 131 Exercise 13.

Pg. 54. Tareas 10 y 11.

Pg 55. Tarea 12.


Blue Bloc Notes: comparative

Blue Bloc Notes: equality and inferiority

Blue Bloc Notes: superlative

 1st ESO C 

Listening and Speaking

Asking and giving directions


Excuse me, how do I get to [León y Castillo Street]?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest [bus stop] is?

Excuse me, is there a [chemist's] nearby?


Pg.55 Tareas 13 y 14.


Blue Bloc Notes: direcciones.

 1st ESO D 

Distinguir entre comparatives and superlatives

pg, 131 Exercise 13.

Pg. 54. Tareas 10 y 11.

Pg 55. Tarea 12.


Blue Bloc Notes: comparative

Blue Bloc Notes: equality and inferiority

Blue Bloc Notes: superlative

Day 104

Diario   1st ESO A   Actos de Carnaval.  1st ESO B  Documental de National Geographic, de acuerdo con los intereses del alumnado . Weird but...