Friday, 31 January 2025

Day 85

Pruebas objetivas

Prueba escrita unidad 3: lunes, 3 de febrero

Adelanto del examen en Google Classroom.


 1st ESO A  

Grammar: modal verbs + adverbs of manner

pg. 66


Tareas 9, 10, 11 y 15.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

 1st ESO B 

Grammar: modal verbs + adverbs of manner

pg. 66


Tareas 9, 10, 11, 15.

 1st ESO C 

Grammar: modal verbs + adverbs of manner

pg. 66


Tareas 9, 10, 11 y 15.

 1st ESO D 

Grammar: modal verbs + adverbs of manner

pg. 66


Tareas 9, 10, 11, 15.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Google Classroom de Ajedrez


Te recuerdo que tienes a tu disposición el Google Classroom de Ajedrez, con el siguiente código:


El alumnado que quiera participar en competiciones debe apuntarse y activar las notificaciones, ya que aquí daremos la información de los próximos Torneos. 

En los cinco meses que nos quedan de curso tenemos previstos tres Torneos:

  • Torneo Intercentros: IES Isabel de España
  • Torneo Intercentros: IES Pérez Galdós
  • Torneo en el Encuentro de Enseñanzas Medias.

Image by Stephan from Pixabay

Day 84

Pruebas objetivas

Prueba escrita unidad 3: lunes, 3 de febrero

Adelanto del examen en Google Classroom.


 1st ESO A 

life (noun) 

live (verb)

live (adjective)

Reading: On Screen or Live?

Pg. 65. Tareas 6, 7, 8 y 9.

How can fans affect sport events? 

Rallying in Finland, Fast Rally Fans Part 1 (7:55 - no lo veremos entero)

 1st ESO B 

life (noun) 

live (verb)

live (adjective)

Reading: On Screen or Live?

Pg. 65. Tareas 6, 7, 8 y 9.

How can fans affect sport events? 

Rallying in Finland, Fast Rally Fans Part 1 (7:55 - no lo veremos entero)

 1st ESO C 

life (noun) 

live (verb)

live (adjective)

Reading: On Screen or Live?

Pg. 65. Tareas 6, 7, 8 y 9.

How can fans affect sport events? 

Rallying in Finland, Fast Rally Fans Part 1 (7:55 - no lo veremos entero)

 1st ESO D 

life (noun) 

live (verb)

live (adjective)

Reading: On Screen or Live?

Pg. 65. Tareas 6, 7, 8 y 9.

How can fans affect sport events? 

Rallying in Finland, Fast Rally Fans Part 1 (7:55 - no lo veremos entero)

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Day 83

Pruebas objetivas

Prueba escrita unidad 3: lunes, 3 de febrero


Which Sport Is Right For You? (5 min 38 sec)

NOTA: Este vídeo sólo se usa como fuente de vocabulario, no como test. Elegir un deporte adecuado para cada físico es una decisión personal que no se debe tomar a la ligera.

 1st ESO A 

Plan Lector

Unit 4

Special events

Introduction pg. 63

Vocabulary pg. 64

Digital Options + tareas 1, 2, 3 y 4.

 1st ESO C 

Unit 4

Special events

Introduction pg. 63

Vocabulary pg. 64

Digital Options + tareas 1, 2, 3 y 4.


 3rd ESO B 


Listening and speaking

pg 71. Tareas 15, 16, 17, 18. Task (if time)

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Day 82

Pruebas objetivas

Prueba escrita unidad 3: lunes, 3 de febrero


Which Sport Is Right For You? (5 min 38 sec)

NOTA: Este vídeo sólo se usa como fuente de vocabulario, no como test. Elegir un deporte adecuado para cada físico es una decisión personal que no se debe tomar a la ligera.

 1st ESO B 

Unit 4

Special events

Introduction pg. 63

Vocabulary pg. 64

Digital Options + tareas 1, 2, 3 y 4.

 1st ESO D 

Unit 4

Special events

Introduction pg. 63

Vocabulary pg. 64

Digital Options + tareas 1, 2, 3 y 4.

 3rd ESO A 

Plan Lector


A conversation between a grandparent and their grandson or grandaughter.

A conversation about bikes and cycling.

Brevemente respondemos dudas del alumnado sobre la prueba de certificación de nivel de inglés dirigida a la población escolar.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Day 81

Pruebas objetivas


Prueba escrita unidad 3: lunes, 3 de febrero

FAQ: ¿Qué entra en el examen?

Vocabulary: (ver página 62) 

  • home (bedroom, kitchen, living room...)
  • furniture (cupboard, wardrobe, cooker, sink...)
  • places around town (port, museum, bookshop...)
  • the weather (rain, stormy...)
  • asking and giving directions


  • Comparatives and superlatives


  • Paragraph structure

+ listening, reading, writing

+ lo anterior

FAQ: ¿Cuál es mi nivel de inglés?

Test your English - Europa School

Test your English - Cambridge

 1st ESO A 


pg. 58 y 59

Tareas 12, 13 y 14.


Google Earth: New Zealand
Google Maps: New Zealand

The World Factbook: New Zealand

10 Best Places to Visit in New Zealand (12 min 4 sec)

The greatest haka ever?

Numbeo: Compare cities and countries

 1st ESO B 


pg. 58 y 59

Tareas 12, 13 y 14.


Google Earth: New Zealand
Google Maps: New Zealand

The World Factbook: New Zealand

10 Best Places to Visit in New Zealand

The greatest haka ever?

Numbeo: Compare cities and countries

 1st ESO C 


pg. 58 y 59

Tareas 12, 13 y 14.


Google Earth: New Zealand
Google Maps: New Zealand

The World Factbook: New Zealand

10 Best Places to Visit in New Zealand

The greatest haka ever?

Numbeo: Compare cities and countries

 1st ESO D 


pg. 58 y 59

Tareas 12, 13 y 14.


Google Earth: New Zealand
Google Maps: New Zealand

The World Factbook: New Zealand

10 Best Places to Visit in New Zealand

The greatest haka ever?

Numbeo: Compare cities and countries

Friday, 24 January 2025

Day 80

Pruebas objetivas


Prueba escrita unidad 3: lunes, 3 de febrero


Ausencia del docente

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Day 79

Pruebas objetivas

Prueba escrita unidad 3: lunes, 3 de febrero


 1st ESO A 

Listening and speaking

How long will extreme cold stick around in Toronto? (5 min 3 sec)

Pg. 56. Tareas 6 y 7.

Pg. 57. Tareas 8, 9, 10 y 11.


Why is ice hockey so popular in Canada? (2 min 39 sec)

 1st ESO B 

Listening and speaking

How long will extreme cold stick around in Toronto? (5 min 3 sec)

Pg. 56. Tareas 6 y 7.

Pg. 57. Tareas 8, 9, 10 y 11.


Why is ice hockey so popular in Canada? (2 min 39 sec)

 1st ESO C 

Listening and speaking

How long will extreme cold stick around in Toronto? (5 min 3 sec)

Pg. 56. Tareas 6 y 7.

Pg. 57. Tareas 8, 9, 10 y 11.


Why is ice hockey so popular in Canada? (2 min 39 sec)

 1st ESO D 

Listening and speaking

How long will extreme cold stick around in Toronto? (5 min 3 sec)

Pg. 56. Tareas 6 y 7.

Pg. 57. Tareas 8, 9, 10 y 11.


Why is ice hockey so popular in Canada? (2 min 39 sec)

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Day 78


 1st ESO A 


The weather

Digital Options. Tareas 1, 2, 3 y 4.


- Grados Celsius y Grados Farenheit.

- Especial atención a la localización de las ciudades.

- Distinguir entre: 

    cold and wet    hot and wet

    cold and dry     cold and wet

 CAUTION  Slippery when wet 

- Climate and weather

"Weather is a specific event—like a rainstorm or hot day—that happens over a few hours, days or weeks. Climate is the average weather conditions in a place over 30 years or more."

Climate Kids, NASA

 1st ESO C 


The weather

Digital Options. Tareas 1, 2, 3 y 4.


- Grados Celsius y Grados Farenheit.

- Especial atención a la localización de las ciudades.

- Distinguir entre: 

    cold and wet    hot and wet

    cold and dry     cold and wet

 CAUTION  Slippery when wet 

- Climate and weather

"Weather is a specific event—like a rainstorm or hot day—that happens over a few hours, days or weeks. Climate is the average weather conditions in a place over 30 years or more."

Climate Kids, NASA

 3rd ESO B 

Listening and speaking

Pg. 67. Tareas 17, 18, 19 y Task.

Simple English Wikipedia: List of vegetables

Image by Devon Breen from Pixabay


Apple Podcasts

BBC Podcasts

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Day 77


 1st ESO B y D 


The weather

Digital Options. Tareas 1, 2 y 3.


    Grados Celsius y Grados Farenheit.

    Especial atención a la localización de las ciudades.

Distinguir entre: 

    cold and wet    hot and wet

    cold and dry     cold and wet

 CAUTION  Slippery when wet 

Climate and weather

"Weather is a specific event—like a rainstorm or hot day—that happens over a few hours, days or weeks. Climate is the average weather conditions in a place over 30 years or more."

Climate Kids, NASA

 3rd ESO A 

Repasamos la forma y el uso del Presente Perfecto comparado con el Pasado Simple.

Jugamos a Never Have I Ever.

Day 76

Prueba objetiva

Speaking Unit 3

Detalles en Google Classroom.


Lunes 21 de enero.

 1st ESO 

Prueba objetiva de speaking en todos los niveles.

El alumnado que no haya podido practicar por causa justificada hace la prueba a lo largo de la semana.

Friday, 17 January 2025

Day 75

Pruebas objetivas


 1st ESO C:  HOY 

El alumnado de 1st ESO A, B y D que lo desee podrá realizar la prueba hoy.


El Arroyo Sign Gallery

 1st ESO A 

Listening and Speaking

Asking and giving directions


Excuse me, how do I get to [León y Castillo Street]?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest [bus stop] is?

Excuse me, is there a [chemist's] nearby?


Pg.55 Tareas 13 y 14.


Blue Bloc Notes: direcciones.

 1st ESO B 

Listening and Speaking

Asking and giving directions


Excuse me, how do I get to [León y Castillo Street]?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest [bus stop] is?

Excuse me, is there a [chemist's] nearby?


Pg.55 Tareas 13 y 14.


Blue Bloc Notes: direcciones.

 1st ESO C 

Repaso y prueba de speaking

Listening and Speaking

Asking and giving directions


Excuse me, how do I get to [León y Castillo Street]?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest [bus stop] is?

Excuse me, is there a [chemist's] nearby?


Pg.55 Tareas 13 y 14.


Blue Bloc Notes: direcciones.

 1st ESO D 

Listening and Speaking

Asking and giving directions


Excuse me, how do I get to [León y Castillo Street]?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest [bus stop] is?

Excuse me, is there a [chemist's] nearby?


Pg.55 Tareas 13 y 14.


Blue Bloc Notes: direcciones.

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Day 74

Próxima prueba objetiva

Speaking: Asking and giving directions

1st ESO C   Mañana 


 1st ESO A 

Distinguir entre comparatives and superlatives

Pg 55. Tarea 12.


Blue Bloc Notes: comparative

Blue Bloc Notes: equality and inferiority

Blue Bloc Notes: superlative

Listening and Speaking

Asking and giving directions


Excuse me, how do I get to [León y Castillo Street]?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest [bus stop] is?

Excuse me, is there a [chemist's] nearby?


Pg.55 Tareas 13 y 14.


Blue Bloc Notes: direcciones.

 1st ESO B 

Distinguir entre comparatives and superlatives

pg, 131 Exercise 13.

Pg. 54. Tareas 10 y 11.

Pg 55. Tarea 12.


Blue Bloc Notes: comparative

Blue Bloc Notes: equality and inferiority

Blue Bloc Notes: superlative

 1st ESO C 

Listening and Speaking

Asking and giving directions


Excuse me, how do I get to [León y Castillo Street]?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest [bus stop] is?

Excuse me, is there a [chemist's] nearby?


Pg.55 Tareas 13 y 14.


Blue Bloc Notes: direcciones.

 1st ESO D 

Distinguir entre comparatives and superlatives

pg, 131 Exercise 13.

Pg. 54. Tareas 10 y 11.

Pg 55. Tarea 12.


Blue Bloc Notes: comparative

Blue Bloc Notes: equality and inferiority

Blue Bloc Notes: superlative

Day 104

Diario   1st ESO A   Actos de Carnaval.  1st ESO B  Documental de National Geographic, de acuerdo con los intereses del alumnado . Weird but...