Thursday, 22 April 2021

April 23, Friday

Pruebas objetivas

 1st ESO 

Prueba de speaking: shopping for clothes. Hasta el 29 de abril.

 Evaluamos CE 3 y 4. 

Prueba escrita 7. Martes 4 de mayo

Avance publicado en Google Classroom el 23 de abril

 Evaluamos CE 1, 6, 8 y 10. 

 4th ESO 

Prueba de speaking: How digital am I? Hasta el 28 de abril.

 Evaluamos CE 3 y 4. 

Prueba escrita 5. Martes 4 de mayo.

Avance publicado en Google Classroom el 21 de abril.

 Evaluamos CE 1, 6, 8 y 10. 


 1st ESO 

SB 96. Tareas 3 y 4.

Write about a holiday you had when you were a child. Use adjectives and the past simple form of the verbs. Use the questions and prompts to help you. Write about 100 words. Remember to put the adjectives in the correct order. (10)

listen     paint     play     travel     walk     watch 

amazing     beautiful     cold     exciting     hot     

interesting     noisy     quiet     warm

Paragraph 1 Introduction
How old were you? I was... years old. Where were you?
I was in (France / Germany, etc.) ... Who were you with? I was with ...

Paragraph 2 Description
What was the weather like?
It was (sunny / cold, etc.)...
What was the place like? It was (beautiful) ... What did you do? I / we ...

Paragraph 3 Opinion
What was good about the holiday? The ... was great. I liked ...
What was bad about the holiday? The ... was bad. I didn’t like ... 

AVISO IMPORTANTE: En el examen no van a tener todas estas ayudas. Si quieren saber cómo será exactamente las preguntas del examen consulten el avance en Google Classroom.

Evaluamos CE 9.

Day 104

Diario   1st ESO A   Actos de Carnaval.  1st ESO B  Documental de National Geographic, de acuerdo con los intereses del alumnado . Weird but...