viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

¿Y ahora qué?


Espero que todos y todas estén bien.

Me adelanto a algunas dudas que pueden surgir con respecto a la cancelación de las clases.

A) Evaluación.

En este momento del trimestre todo el alumnado ha hecho pruebas objetivas de todos los criterios de evaluación*. Por consiguiente, se podría poner nota en este mismo momento.

Si el Gobierno de Canarias decide aplazar la fecha de las evaluaciones procuraremos completar la evaluación con las siguientes pruebas:

4º ESO: Prueba objetiva de conversación: asking and giving advice.

1º de Bachillerato: Prueba objetiva de conversación: making plans.

4º ESO y 1º de Bachillerato: Prueba objetiva escrita del alumnado que no la hizo en fecha.

B) Tareas para estos quince días.

Voy a iniciar en este mismo blog una serie de posts titulados "The Lockdown Diaries" (Diarios del encierro).  Narraré, en inglés sencillo, las experiencias de mi familia durante estos quince días. Le recomiendo al alumnado que haga lo mismo y que me muestre sus "Lockdown Diaries" particulares.

Se evaluarán los siguientes Criterios:

Criterio de Evaluación 8 y 9.
Criterio de Evaluación 6 y 7 si en el trabajo se comprueba la lectura de mi diario.
Criterio de Evaluación 10 si en el trabajo se muestran contenidos culturales relevantes.

Se evaluarán las siguientes Competencias Básicas:

Comunicación Lingüística
Sentido de la Iniciativa y Espíritu Emprendedor
Competencia Digital (si se responde dentro del blog)
Aprender a Aprender (si aprendemos algo nuevo durante este tiempo)
Conciencia y Expresiones Culturales (si se demuestra relevancia en el trabajo)

Take care.

* La única excepción es una alumna de 4º ESO que acaba de incorporarse al Centro.

12 comentarios:

  1. Buenas tardes Esteban. Soy Alba de 1ºBach A. Quería consultarle si la tarea que usted ha marcado es para publicarla por el blog o de lo contrario hacerla en nuestra libreta y enseñárselo a la vuelta y del mismo modo que usted nos la corrija.
    De ser a través de este blog me podría decir cómo sería? Gracias, espero su respuesta.
    Un saludo.

  2. Hola, Alba. Había pensado usar estos mismos comentarios para que pusieran sus diarios. Creo que sería mejor publicarlos de esta manera para compartir experiencias y practicar la competencia digital = mejor calificación.

  3. Vale Profe, a continuación le mandaré el mío, gracias por su respuesta.

  4. Day zero. I feel confused, sometimes even as if I'm in a dream. I do not understand or maybe I do not want to understand this situation, I also think that the media increasingly alert the people. I don't think that's right. My family worries me. my grandmother worries me much more. I just hope everything gets better, I trust science, and I know we can get out of it.
    tomorrow I hope to get up and see some good news on TV or social media.

  5. One: For the moment in my house the situation is normal, we've made a normal purchase for these 14 days to be well fed and happy. We see a bit of a situation overstated, rather than a normal virus, it seems the beginning of the novel by Resident Evil, it would be exciting to be real, but we believe it is a situation that can be remedied if the government and the media provide more help to health in order to control the virus.

  6. Profe tengo una pregunta, tengo que ir poniendo lo que hago desde el viernes 13 hasta el último día antes de la incorporación a clases? O solo de mi fin de semana del 13 al 15

  7. day 1: hello, in my house all we are good but bored, my mom are very scared and won't let me out, so, i watching TV right now i watching a serie: Elite. honestly i prefer are in class, i'm verY bored. i feel what theys 14 days we're verY long

  8. Hi, i am María Carmona. Day 1 Today I wokee up at 11. I have been studying and helping my grandmother at home. After we ate and I started doing some homework, when I finished them I started watching YouTube for a while and when I finished I started doing gymnastics and later I will watch a series on Netflix and at night watch TV and with my family.

  9. Day one. Yesterday I said I was hoping to get up today with good news on this subject, but I'm so sad that I didn't want to see the news, while my family listens to the president, put on my headphones and try not to be present in all this (within what you can).
    It's weird for me not to go out to dinner with my partner, not being able to see a friend I haven't seen in years, or just take the sea breeze. I'm worried and but I trust the professionals, tomorrow my weights will be more positive and so I can faceeach and every one of the information that comes to light.
    Alba Bordón

  10. Day 2. Today I got up at quarter past 10. My mother did not go to work and I took advantage of the morning with her helping her to clean up. Before eating I took a shower and then I continued with her helping her make food with my father. After eating I started doing homework and when I finished it I started doing gymnastics and when I finished I had some almonds and a glass of milk and I poked strawberries inside. I also painted my grandmother's nails and I was with her and at night I will help her mother to have some pizzas for dinner and at night I will see other key.

  11. Day 3. Today I got up at 9 and took advantage of the morning and I was with my sister playing board games, cards, Parcheesi and others. Then later my grandmother got up and I helped her do her things because she only has a hard time. Later we ate sausages with rice and after eating my mother came from work and we were together listening to music and in the patio of my house and tonight I will be calm reading some book and watching some series.

  12. Day 4. This morning I got up early and was with my sister cooking and my grandmother. After a while we ate a potage of lentils that was great and after eating I started to do homework and then when my mother came home from work I was with her and we went to the patio of my house to listen to music and then later I helped her do dinner, soup and croquettes. And after dinner I will calm down to read for a while.


17 May, Friday

PRUEBAS OBJETIVAS 1st CFGB Lunes, 20 de mayo . 4º ESO Prueba escrita:   TBA    Speaking: viernes,  17 de mayo .   HOY  DIARIO 4th ESO D (des...